Acne spots can lead to acne scars if they burst and damage the skin. These scars are formed when an acne breakout penetrates the skin deeply and damages the tissues beneath it. Not all people experience acne scarring. Different people may scar in different ways. It depends on what type of acne they had and for how long they have it.

Acne scars are common for those who have acne as it is the most common skin condition in the world. About 80% of people between the age of 11 to 40 have it. Teenagers get acne because of their changing hormones. Adults go through stress, environmental pollution, menstrual cycles, oil-based products, and birth control pills which stimulate the change in the hormones.

People who have moderate or mild acne which includes pimples like papules or pustules, blackheads, or whiteheads for a short period of time- don’t scar. Acne scarring can also occur if spots are picked or squeezed, so it is highly advisable to avoid doing so. This act can cause some might have slight scarring which can disappear after a few remedies. Whereas, in contrast, more severe acne, such as cystic acne, creates deep craters or cysts beneath the skin, making this type of acne more difficult to treat.

There are a few treatment options that can help to reduce the appearance of scars like natural remedies, over-the-counter medications, and prescription medications. Some treatments cannot be done alongside acne medications. The treatment depends on the type of acne and the severity of scarring. Before starting any scar treatment, it is vital to know what’s the type of acne. Each type of acne responds to treatment differently and each treatment is based on a certain type.

There are two main categories of acne scars. The first are atrophic scars caused by a loss of tissue. They have three types known as ice pick, boxcar, and rolling scars. The second type is caused by excess tissue called hypertrophic and keloid scars.

Atrophic Scars: These scars are indented scars that heal below the normal skin tissue. They are formed when the skin is unable to regenerate tissue that leaves behind imbalanced scarring. These scars can be the result of severe acne or even chickenpox. The indentation of these scars can be of three types of scarring.

  • Ice Pick Scars: These scars are narrower than atrophic acne scars, but are also deeper than the others. They are usually caused due to severe acne, such as cysts and papules that occur deep in your pores. They are characterized by narrow pitted shapes in the skin which are often more noticeable to the naked eye. Due to their impression and depth, it is considered the most severe type of scar. The severity of these scars can’t be treated with just home remedies or over-the-counter products. They need professional consultation.
  • Boxcar Scars: These scars look like a round or oval depression or crater in the skin. They have sharp vertical edges and are wider than ice pick scars but not as wide as rolling scars. Shallow scars may respond well to treatment, but deeper scars may be harder to get rid of. Medical treatment is required to help in reducing the visibility of these scars which depends on how deep or red they are, the location of these scars as well as the skin type.
  • Rolling Scars: These scars appear as indents in the skin and tend to measure around 4-5 millimeters wide. They can be defined by their sloping edges, giving the skin a wavy and uneven appearance. These scars aren’t always the same size as the original acne lesion that caused them, as the size depends on how the skin heals accordingly. These appear where the skin is thick, usually on the lower cheeks and jawline. Medical treatment is necessary to get rid of these scars as these don’t go away on their own.

Hypertrophic Scars: A hypertrophic scar is a wide, thickened, often raised scar that develops where the skin is injured. Scars are usual during a wound healing process, but this is an abnormal response to an injury or trauma. This can happen as a result of a person’s skin type and healing tendencies. In certain people, body cells called myofibroblasts produce too much collagen during healing. Sometimes, when a wound is infected or inflamed, or under a lot of tension or motion, of left to heal without stitches, overproduction of collagen occurs which results in hypertrophic scars. These scars aren’t life-threatening or dangerous. Many people seek professional help to reduce the visibility of these scars.

Keloid Scars: These scars come from the overgrowth of scar tissue. When an injury occurs, the fibrous tissue also known as scar tissue forms over the wound to repair the injury. But in some cases, there is an extra tissue formation, which results in a smooth, raised scar. This scar is larger than the original wound and, in a few cases, tends to keep growing if not treated. Though they are not injurious to health, they can still cause discomfort, tenderness, and itchiness. They are most commonly found on the earlobes, chest, stomach, and shoulders.

Hyperpigmentation: This is a common skin condition in which dark patches of skin are formed from an excess of melanin production. This can be caused due to acne scars, sun damage, or even hormonal fluctuations. For this type of scar, home remedies and skin care products can help but, in a few cases, professional consultation is required.


Acne scars can be difficult to treat, and like said above, they require professional help if you want to see real improvement. Over-the-counter products are not powerful enough to improve the texture and look of acne scars.

Acne scarring can cause embarrassment and can be damaging to your self-confidence.

We provide a range of specialist treatments that can help reduce the appearance of acne scars and help patients regain self-confidence.


Ph: +91 8056090670
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