Klara Skin & Hair Clinic is committed to protecting your online privacy. We are entirely open about our information gathering practices. Please take the time to review this notice, which states our privacy policy.

What information does Klara Clinic collect?
Klara Clinic will only collect personally identifying information and this would be done only with your knowledge and consent. Optional information like age, gender, etc. may also be requested.

If you elect to receive our newsletter, your email address will be added to our mailing list. We will use your e-mail address solely for that purpose. You will not be put on the mailing lists of any third parties and your email address, name or country will not be divulged to anyone else. We will use these details to keep you posted about services, offers, discounts, celebration wishes, news, and events. Removing yourself from the mailing list can be done easily – just click on the “Unsubscribe” link at the bottom of any of our emails.

How your information would be used?
Klara Clinic would use the information to provide you information about services, new developments, offers, discounts, celebration wishes, news, and events. Klara Clinic does not sell its users’ e-mail addresses or any other information.

Privacy Policy
We yearn to safeguard your privacy and will strive hard to ensure all the information provided, is used in accordance to the guidelines and regulations stated. We would not share or disclose any details, though direct or indirect sources. Your visit at our website is secure and your right to privacy is safeguarded and protected. All information provided by our website is governed and interpreted in accordance to the laws in India and we reserve all rights to amend our privacy policy.

Editorial Integrity And Policy
Our aim is to bring the most reliable and trusted information from the areas of health. All our information is written and reviewed by specialists from the industry, however, we emphasize seeking opinion of an expert before attempting any mentioned details. Choose information wisely and do not delay professional medical advice because of what you have read from our website.

Third Parties
We do not deal in selling any personal or customer information. We will never disclose your personal details to a third party except when required by law. We may use some information in a general sense without any reference to your name to create marketing statistics, identify user demands, and to assist in meeting customer needs generally. In addition, we may use the information that you provide to improve our website and services but not for any other purposes.

What are cookies & how do we use them?
A cookie is a small file placed in your web browser that collects information about your web browsing behaviour. Tracking of cookies allows us to target your needs and preferences. Our website uses cookies to analyse website traffic and help us provide you a better experience. Cookies do not access information stored on your computer or any personal information (e.g. name, address, email address or telephone number). Klara Clinic automatically accepts cookies but you can choose to reject cookies by changing your browser settings. This may, however, prevent you from taking full advantage of our website.

Internet Protocol (IP) Address
Your Internet Protocol (“IP”) address is usually associated with the place from which you use the Internet, like your Internet Service Provider, your company or your university. We may use your IP address to help diagnose problems with our server, gather broad demographic information, and administer our website to cater to your needs.

External links
We might provide links to external websites whose content we believe might be of interest to our visitors. While these websites have been initially reviewed by our staff for appropriateness for our audience, we do not control the privacy practices of these external sites and we do not conduct ongoing reviews of their privacy practices. These external sites might collect personally identifiable information from visitors. Before using these websites, we recommend that you review their user and privacy policies. Children should always check with their parents or teachers before clicking on any new sites.

We strive to ensure the security, integrity, and privacy of personal information submitted to our website, and we periodically update our security measures in light of current technologies.

Change in Privacy Policy
As we plan to ensure our privacy policy remains current, this policy is subject to change. We may modify this policy at any time, in our sole discretion and all modifications will be effective immediately upon our posting of the modifications on this website. Please return periodically to review our privacy policy.